Change Habits

How Do I Develop Better Habits?

By damianriley

When it comes to habits, I’ll bet 99% of the population would like more good ones and less bad. I’d also wager that a good proportion of that 99% would also love it to happen magically. Sadly, it doesn’t work like that. You’ve got to put the work in and good habits are essential if […]

How to Achieve a Positive Mindset in 3 Steps

By damianriley

Positivity is the secret to success in all areas of your life. Adopting a negative and defensive attitude in negative situations will only make the situation worse. You’ll end in a downward spiral. Take the opposite approach and reframe the situation as a challenge. It then becomes an opportunity that you can learn and develop […]

The 3 Most Important Questions to Ask Yourself

By damianriley

From school age we’re constantly being pushed to set goals and work towards achieving them. Nothing wrong with that on the surface. However, these ‘means’ goals tend to be ones that are expected by the culture we live in and not necessarily what will make us happy and fulfilled. They’re also rooted in the Industrial […]

Crisis vs Opportunity (Your Choice)

By damianriley

Although these are unprecedented times, whenever there’s any crisis in your world you should always ask yourself ‘What’s the gift\’?  Although it’s not always clear at first and you may have to dig deep, there’s always something to gain and an opportunity for you to grow and develop in a positive way. In this crisis […]

How Can I Overcome Procrastination?

By damianriley

Why do we Procrastinate? If you’re like me (and the majority of the population for that matter) you put off doing certain important tasks and really struggle to overcome procrastination. Instead you opt for others with more appeal. This shouldn’t be confused with laziness and used to label your identity. You see, lazy people don’t […]

A Productive Day Starts with a Simple 3 Step Morning Routine

By damianriley

Is your goal to tackle each day with purpose and ultimately take control? Then getting the first 20 minutes right is going to give you the best chance of success for a productive day. Just as you should warm your engine before hitting the road, your body needs to be primed for action first thing […]

How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

By damianriley

Whether it’s in your work or personal life, everyone experiences being overwhelmed at some stage in their lives. Unfortunately these periods can become the norm, fuelling chronic stress with all it’s damaging mental and physical health side effects. The rise of technology means you’re often at work and available for duty, at least mentally, 24/7 […]

How to Work Smarter Not Harder

By damianriley

Do you want to learn how to work smarter rather than harder? It’s a common misconception that the successful people of the world are more talented than you and me. I can assure you that’s not necessarily the case. This is often an excuse we tell ourselves to lower our personal expectation of success and […]





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